Have you seen her?

Hello! Did you know that I love Harold Berselius very very much? This is my terrible eye-bleed inducing fan shrine to her because I'm insane and I love her too much.
Starting from the most obvious and shallow aspect, I actually really like her design. Admittedly, it's a bit goofy and not at all weather-appropriate. However, her color-scheme is incredibly eye-catching, and considering her personality, I think having such a striking color scheme and strange outfit helps establish her character from the first second you lay eyes on her. In addition, while those colors may seem arbitrary at first glance, they actually form a smooth gradient from aqua to hot pink!
Also of note is the little circles in her hair. I have literally no fucking clue why they're there, but they're present in nearly all official art regardless of artist. Despite not knowing why they're there, I think it's a charm point! It almost strikes me as being glitter, though that doesn't quite make sense either.
Furthermore, the sleeves of her outfit actually match the ones on Karell's!! I supposed since he's an NPC that's more of a point for his design than hers, but it makes me happy to think about.